
Stack's expression is Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). That's result of stack oriented approach.

RPN is a mathematical notation wherein every operator follows all of its operands. It is also known as postfix notation. In contrast to the more common infix notation, where operators are placed between operands (e.g., 3 + 4), RPN eliminates the need for parentheses to define operation order.

Advantages of RPN

  • No Need for Parentheses: RPN eliminates the need for parentheses that are required in Usual notation to dictate the order of operations.
  • Efficient for Computers: RPN is easier to implement on computers as it suits stack-based calculations.
  • Reduces Errors: Human errors related to misplacing parentheses are reduced.


In Stack, to add two numbers, you would write the operands first, followed by the operator.

the "Usual" is based on Python's syntax

Usual: 3 + 4
Stack: 3 4 add


Stack〔  〕 ←  3
Stack〔 3 〕 ←  4
Stack〔 3 | 4 〕 ←  add
Stack〔 7 〕


For subtraction, the Stack format follows the same pattern: operands first, then the operator.

Usual: 7 - 2
Stack: 7 2 sub


Stack〔  〕 ←  7
Stack〔 7 〕 ←  2
Stack〔 7 | 2 〕 ←  sub
Stack〔 5 〕


Multiplication in Stack is handled similarly.

Usual: 5 * 6
Stack: 5 6 mul


Stack〔  〕 ←  5
Stack〔 5 〕 ←  6
Stack〔 5 | 6 〕 ←  mul
Stack〔 30 〕


Division follows the same postfix notation rules.

Usual: 8 / 4
Stack: 8 4 div


Stack〔  〕 ←  8
Stack〔 8 〕 ←  4
Stack〔 8 | 4 〕 ←  div
Stack〔 2 〕


If we want modulo of division, we can use mod command. Example:
Usual: 90 % 7
Stack: 90 7 mod


Stack〔  〕 ←  90
Stack〔 90 〕 ←  7
Stack〔 90 | 7 〕 ←  mod
Stack〔 6 〕


Sometimes, we have to powering number. If so case, we can use pow command.

Usual: 2 ** 10
Stack: 2 10 pow


Stack〔  〕 ←  2
Stack〔 2 〕 ←  10
Stack〔 2 | 10 〕 ←  pow
Stack〔 1024 〕

Rounding off

Disision isn't always divisible, It need rounding off. Example:
Usual: round(22 / 7)
Stack: 22 7 div round


Stack〔  〕 ←  22
Stack〔 22 〕 ←  7
Stack〔 22 | 7 〕 ←  div
Stack〔 3.142857142857143 〕 ←  round
Stack〔 3 〕

Combining Operations

Stack can also handle more complex expressions by maintaining the order of operations through its postfix structure.

Example 1:
Usual: (3 + 4) * 2
Stack: 3 4 add 2 mul

Result 1:

Stack〔  〕 ←  3
Stack〔 3 〕 ←  4
Stack〔 3 | 4 〕 ←  add
Stack〔 7 〕 ←  2
Stack〔 7 | 2 〕 ←  mul
Stack〔 14 〕

Example 2:
Usual: 5 + ((1 + 2) * 4) - 3
Stack: 5 1 2 add 4 mul add 3 sub

Result 2:

Stack〔  〕 ←  5
Stack〔 5 〕 ←  1
Stack〔 5 | 1 〕 ←  2
Stack〔 5 | 1 | 2 〕 ←  add
Stack〔 5 | 3 〕 ←  4
Stack〔 5 | 3 | 4 〕 ←  mul
Stack〔 5 | 12 〕 ←  add
Stack〔 17 〕 ←  3
Stack〔 17 | 3 〕 ←  sub
Stack〔 14 〕