Documents of Stack Programming Language

This documentations describes details of Stack programming language.

This document will refer the Stack language as "Stack", while stack as a data structure will be referred as "stack" (with a lower case s).

Stack's slogan is "Powerful script language with stack-oriented approach". It means Stack's execution logic is using stack, and Stack is very efficient. It's very simple naming, because only using stack as execution logic.

Stack has variety distributions for support many use-case. Because if it doesn't split function each distributions, the binary will become very heavy. So, There are a lot of Satck distributions.

Reading this documents is ideal way to learn Stack. Let's jump into the engaging Stack world!

Getting Started

This is journey that learn Stack by many project. If you feel too easy, you should skip it.

Are you ready? Let's go to the journey!

Try Stack in the OXE

You can try Stack without installation if use OXE

OXE is stand for online execution environment.

below link is OXE's site

Let's write a code and run of Stack program! But, to install Stack is best way to use Stack than OXE. So, in next page, It teach how to install the Stack.


Paste below shell script on the your terminal. It installed Stack develop environments.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
git clone
cargo install --path ./stack-lang

It's sucessful installation! if you enter stack and stack-server on the your shell then displayed REPL.

REPL is stand for read-eval-print loop. It's usual way in many language's interpreter.

Look, isn't it easy?

Hello, World!

To write program that display string "Hello, world!" is traditional learning way first time touch new language. Let's write the program in the Stack!

enter command stack on the your shell to start up the REPL of Stack. If REPL is started, enter below code on the REPL and push enter-key twice.

(Hello, world!) print

If the code isn't wrong, Maybe it's output log like below.

Stack〔  〕 ←  (Hello, world!)
Stack〔 (Hello, world!) 〕 ←  print
[Output]: Hello, world!
Stack〔  〕

Great! you really become Stacker.

Stacker is means programmer who use Stack

Solve Fizz Buzz

To solve Fizz Buzz problem is using elementary programing tests. Below code is Stack program to solve that problem.

1 101 1 range (i) (
    (FizzBuzz) (
        (Fizz) (
            (Buzz) i
            i 5 mod 0 equal if 
        i 3 mod 0 equal if
    i 15 mod 0 equal if
) map ( ) join print

Let's run this program on your console! We recommend enable debug mode. It's easy to understaning execution logic. We hope you do self-learning, Nothing is explain of program

CLI Tools

Let's build CLI tools! It's simple tool show chart memory used rate only. So, the name is memrate.

(memrate) println (
    now-time round print ( |) print 
    (=) mem-used sys-info mem-size sys-info div 100 mul repeat println
    1 sleep
) true while

This tool check memery used rate and show chart once 1 secound. It's success if the output became like below.

alt text

Build Web Server


In this chapter, Explain about unique grammar of Stack. Stack's grammar is very strange, That makes beginner difficult to understanding. But, It's feeling good to write the code if used to it.

String Notation

Stack's string notation is using parentheses to surround. You might think why is it strange notation, usually quotation. Of course, that has justifiable reason.

Stack hasn't code block, in place of use string. code block should be able to nest, So string should be it too.

Take for example, the notation is like below.


List Notation

Command Notation

The Stack's command is using chain-case as command style. Take for example, If we want to read the file, we can use read-file commmand.

Arguments of command is get from stack. So, we have to push arguments on the stack before command.

(example.txt) read-file

Data Types

List of Distribution

Stack Lang

Stack Server

Stack Wasm

Stack Java

Commands Reference


Stack's expression is Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). That's result of stack oriented approach.

RPN is a mathematical notation wherein every operator follows all of its operands. It is also known as postfix notation. In contrast to the more common infix notation, where operators are placed between operands (e.g., 3 + 4), RPN eliminates the need for parentheses to define operation order.

Advantages of RPN

  • No Need for Parentheses: RPN eliminates the need for parentheses that are required in Usual notation to dictate the order of operations.
  • Efficient for Computers: RPN is easier to implement on computers as it suits stack-based calculations.
  • Reduces Errors: Human errors related to misplacing parentheses are reduced.


In Stack, to add two numbers, you would write the operands first, followed by the operator.

the "Usual" is based on Python's syntax

Usual: 3 + 4
Stack: 3 4 add


Stack〔  〕 ←  3
Stack〔 3 〕 ←  4
Stack〔 3 | 4 〕 ←  add
Stack〔 7 〕


For subtraction, the Stack format follows the same pattern: operands first, then the operator.

Usual: 7 - 2
Stack: 7 2 sub


Stack〔  〕 ←  7
Stack〔 7 〕 ←  2
Stack〔 7 | 2 〕 ←  sub
Stack〔 5 〕


Multiplication in Stack is handled similarly.

Usual: 5 * 6
Stack: 5 6 mul


Stack〔  〕 ←  5
Stack〔 5 〕 ←  6
Stack〔 5 | 6 〕 ←  mul
Stack〔 30 〕


Division follows the same postfix notation rules.

Usual: 8 / 4
Stack: 8 4 div


Stack〔  〕 ←  8
Stack〔 8 〕 ←  4
Stack〔 8 | 4 〕 ←  div
Stack〔 2 〕


If we want modulo of division, we can use mod command. Example:
Usual: 90 % 7
Stack: 90 7 mod


Stack〔  〕 ←  90
Stack〔 90 〕 ←  7
Stack〔 90 | 7 〕 ←  mod
Stack〔 6 〕


Sometimes, we have to powering number. If so case, we can use pow command.

Usual: 2 ** 10
Stack: 2 10 pow


Stack〔  〕 ←  2
Stack〔 2 〕 ←  10
Stack〔 2 | 10 〕 ←  pow
Stack〔 1024 〕

Rounding off

Disision isn't always divisible, It need rounding off. Example:
Usual: round(22 / 7)
Stack: 22 7 div round


Stack〔  〕 ←  22
Stack〔 22 〕 ←  7
Stack〔 22 | 7 〕 ←  div
Stack〔 3.142857142857143 〕 ←  round
Stack〔 3 〕

Combining Operations

Stack can also handle more complex expressions by maintaining the order of operations through its postfix structure.

Example 1:
Usual: (3 + 4) * 2
Stack: 3 4 add 2 mul

Result 1:

Stack〔  〕 ←  3
Stack〔 3 〕 ←  4
Stack〔 3 | 4 〕 ←  add
Stack〔 7 〕 ←  2
Stack〔 7 | 2 〕 ←  mul
Stack〔 14 〕

Example 2:
Usual: 5 + ((1 + 2) * 4) - 3
Stack: 5 1 2 add 4 mul add 3 sub

Result 2:

Stack〔  〕 ←  5
Stack〔 5 〕 ←  1
Stack〔 5 | 1 〕 ←  2
Stack〔 5 | 1 | 2 〕 ←  add
Stack〔 5 | 3 〕 ←  4
Stack〔 5 | 3 | 4 〕 ←  mul
Stack〔 5 | 12 〕 ←  add
Stack〔 17 〕 ←  3
Stack〔 17 | 3 〕 ←  sub
Stack〔 14 〕


I/O is nessesaly thing in any applications. In this chapter, Let you know how to use I/O in Stack.


print is common thing in standard outputs.

In this code, print the "Hello, world!" message.

(Hello, world!) print


Stack〔  〕 ←  (Hello, world!)
Stack〔 (Hello, world!) 〕 ←  print
[Output]: Hello, world!


println is like print. differnnt point is just with line feed. Example:
In this code, print the "Hello, world!" message.

(Hello, world!) println


Stack〔  〕 ←  (Hello, world!)
Stack〔 (Hello, world!) 〕 ←  println
[Output]: Hello, world!


input is enter from user keyboard. Example:
In this code, Ask user name.

(your name: ) input 
(Welcome, ) swap concat println


Stack〔  〕 ←  (Hello, world!)
Stack〔  〕 ←  (your name: )
Stack〔 (your name: ) 〕 ←  input
your name: StackStick
Stack〔 (StackStick) 〕 ←  (Welcome, )
Stack〔 (StackStick) | (Welcome, ) 〕 ←  swap
Stack〔 (Welcome, ) | (StackStick) 〕 ←  concat
Stack〔 (Welcome, StackStick) 〕 ←  println
[Output]: Welcome, StackStick


Any programming language needs control syntax. In this chapter, Explain control syntax such as if, while etc of Stack.


If is important way to branch program execution.

Example 1:
In this code, judgement which even or odd is 5987.

(Even print) 
(Odd print)
5987 2 mod 0 equal if

Result 1:

Stack〔  〕 ←  (Even print)
Stack〔 (Even print) 〕 ←  (Odd print)
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) 〕 ←  5987
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) | 5987 〕 ←  2
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) | 5987 | 2 〕 ←  mod
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) | 1 〕 ←  0
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) | 1 | 0 〕 ←  equal
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) | false 〕 ←  if
Stack〔  〕 ←  Odd
Stack〔 (Odd) 〕 ←  print
[Output]: Odd

Example 2:
It needs otherwise, judgement which even or odd is 8762.

(Even print) 
(Odd print)
8762 2 mod 0 equal if

Result 2:

Stack〔  〕 ←  (Even print)
Stack〔 (Even print) 〕 ←  (Odd print)
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) 〕 ←  8762
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) | 8762 〕 ←  2
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) | 8762 | 2 〕 ←  mod
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) | 0 〕 ←  0
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) | 0 | 0 〕 ←  equal
Stack〔 (Even print) | (Odd print) | true 〕 ←  if
Stack〔  〕 ←  Even
Stack〔 (Even) 〕 ←  print
[Output]: Even


While is usual way to loop program.


1 (i) var 
    i println
    i 1 add (i) var
) (i 2 less) while
(Finished) println


Stack〔  〕 ←  1
Stack〔 1 〕 ←  (i)
Stack〔 1 | (i) 〕 ←  var
Variables {
 i: 1
Stack〔  〕 ←  ( i println i 1 add (i) var )
Stack〔 ( i println i 1 add (i) var ) 〕 ←  (i 2 less)
Stack〔 ( i println i 1 add (i) var ) | (i 2 less) 〕 ←  while
Stack〔  〕 ←  i
Stack〔 1 〕 ←  2
Stack〔 1 | 2 〕 ←  less
Stack〔 true 〕
Stack〔  〕 ←  i
Stack〔 1 〕 ←  println
[Output]: 1
Stack〔  〕 ←  i
Stack〔 1 〕 ←  1
Stack〔 1 | 1 〕 ←  add
Stack〔 2 〕 ←  (i)
Stack〔 2 | (i) 〕 ←  var
Variables {
 i: 2
Stack〔  〕
Stack〔  〕 ←  i
Stack〔 2 〕 ←  2
Stack〔 2 | 2 〕 ←  less
Stack〔 false 〕
Stack〔  〕 ←  (Finished)
Stack〔 (Finished) 〕 ←  println
[Output]: Finished



List is way to use plural value together. In this chapter, Let you know how to processing list in Stack.


This command is to get list value of specified index.

Example: In this code, print the "Hello, world!" message.

[(a) (b) (c)] 1 get


Stack〔  〕 ←  [(a) (b) (c)]
Stack〔  〕 ←  (a)
Stack〔 (a) 〕 ←  (b)
Stack〔 (a) | (b) 〕 ←  (c)
Stack〔 (a) | (b) | (c) 〕
Stack〔 [(a) (b) (c)] 〕 ←  1
Stack〔 [(a) (b) (c)] | 1 〕 ←  get
Stack〔 (b) 〕


This command is to sex list value of specified index.

Example: In this code, print the "Hello, world!" message.

[(a) (b) (c)] 1 (B) set


Stack〔  〕 ←  [(a) (b) (c)]
Stack〔  〕 ←  (a)
Stack〔 (a) 〕 ←  (b)
Stack〔 (a) | (b) 〕 ←  (c)
Stack〔 (a) | (b) | (c) 〕
Stack〔 [(a) (b) (c)] 〕 ←  1
Stack〔 [(a) (b) (c)] | 1 〕 ←  (B)
Stack〔 [(a) (b) (c)] | 1 | (B) 〕 ←  set
Stack〔 [(a) (B) (c)] 〕



Shell Based

Web Server